Brickell flatiron reaches completion, becomes miami’s fourth tallest tower ever built.

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Brickell Flatiron has reached completion, the tower is 64 stories and 736 feet above ground becoming the fourth tallest building ever built in Miami and the tallest all-condo building south of New York.

Hundreds of new residents will now begin moving into Brickell, with closing about to begin. A total of 527 residential units were built at Flatiron, of which 95 percent are sold. Approximately 70 percent of the building’s buyers came from U.S. markets.

A popular London-based Japanese entertainment restaurant concept will occupy the ground level. It will be located in a 24,800 square foot ground-floor retail and restaurant condo that was sold to Elysee Investments for $22.5 million. (source: thenextmiami)