Newcomers drive the rent hikes in South Florida

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Interest in relocating to Miami has tripled since last year and now ranks higher than any other destination in the U.S., according to a new report from real estate website, based on a sample of about 2 million users who searched for homes across 112 metro areas.

It is the first time ever that Miami topped Redfin’s monthly rankings, which measures net inflow from other metro areas. However, Miami has been consistently in the top 10 since the list was created in 2017.

An Interest confirmed by the huge increase ...

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If Bill bets on hospitality, we can too

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Bill Gates’ Cascade Investment is taking a swing in the hotel industry, paying more than $2 billion to take control of Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts.

The purchase will give Cascade a 71.3% stake and operating control of Four Seasons.

Gates is taking a risk in a hotel market that has been struggling throughout the pandemic, despite showing some signs of life more recently.

Four Seasons, founded in 1960, has more than 100 hotels and resorts around the world and went public in 1997 when Cascade first invested in the business.

(source: image: ...

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A third of U.S. home sales comes from Cash Buyers

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More and more homebuyers and investors are coming to the negotiating table and closing deals with cash in hand.

A third of all U.S. single-family homes and condominiums sold in the second quarter were purchased with cash, up from 20.6% a year prior, the highest percentage since the first quarter of 2015.

In New York the figure is 52%, but some metro areas saw even higher percentages. The highest was on the Rust Belt due to the late 20th-century loss of manufacturing jobs. In fact, in Buffalo and Detroit, the cash sales were 71% and 68%, respectively.

In general, bargain-hunting and single-family rental investors ...

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Manhattan Luxury Reality Check

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Every week we hear of multi-million dollar properties going on the market and sometimes the asking price seems exorbitant, and it really is! With this report we will take a closer look at the numbers of the Manhattan Luxury Real Estate Market, giving you the opportunity to get an idea of what the actual selling price of these ...

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Manhattan: Luxury Reality Check – April 2021

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Every week we hear of multi million dollar properties going on the market and sometimes the asking price seems exorbitant, and it really is! With this report we will take a closer look at the numbers of the Manhattan Luxury Real Estate Market, giving you the opportunity to get an idea of what the actual selling price of these luxurious ...

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Resi sales plummet across South Florida in Q2

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Residential sales plunged across Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties in the second quarter, following a first quarter in which home sales were largely spared from the effects of coronavirus, according to Miller Samuel’s latest reports.

Among the areas hardest hit in South Florida, Manalapan, a high-end market south of Palm Beach, experienced a 54 percent annual drop in closed sales in the second quarter. The condo market in Coral Gables saw the biggest annual decline of all, at more than ...

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