The Subway is back 24/7

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Round-the-clock subway service in New York City resumed May 17 after more than a year of late-night, pandemic-related closures.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo made the announcement in late April wrapped it into a broader swath of reopening announcements that end most pandemic-related capacity limits and eliminate restaurant curfews.

The city that never sleeps is slowly—but surely—living up to its name again and waking up from the COVID-19 pandemic, but so should the subway system—and ASAP,” Sen.Schumer said in a statement.

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No Indoor Masks For Fully Vaccinated

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Federal health officials declared that fully vaccinated people could go into most environments regardless of crowd size without a face-covering or without social distancing.

The guidance does come with a few caveats. CDC officials said that people will still need to wear face-coverings when traveling on airplanes, buses, trains and on public transportation. Fully vaccinated people will also still need to keep their faces covered in hospitals and long-term care facilities, officials announced.

As of Wednesday 5/12, more than ...

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What Is New York City Getting From the American Rescue Plan?

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President Joe Biden has signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, the third pandemic-era stimulus and, potentially, one of the most consequential economic packages in U.S. history. Passed by Congress and it also includes billions of dollars that will go directly to New York City.

To be precise, it is 6 million that will be used in different ways like Stimulus Checks, Child Tax Credit, MTA Relief and Vaccines.

De Blasio has called the stimulus a “game changer” for ...

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NYC Rental Market Picks Up Pace

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It’s recovery time. In Manhattan, new lease signings rose to their highest level for the month of January, since the last financial crisis: up 57.6%year over year.

Lowered rents prompted an increase in the new lease contracts activity. Tenants are moving back to the city in search of good deals as they sense the leverage in their ...

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Manhattan Sales Activity is UP Big Time

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New signed contracts for co-ops, condos, and 1-3 families combined doubled in January, year over year, for the second annual increase since the lockdown ended. New listing inventory fell sharply year over year for the fourth straight month.

(source: Miller Samuel)

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Manhattan Rental Report October 2020

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What’s going on in the Manhattan rental Market? Let’s take a look at the October data…

After months of price declines, people are moving back to the city. The number of new leases is finally on the rise surging to the highest October peak in twelve years.

The Number of New Leases surged 33.2% to 5,641 from October ...

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