The Subway is back 24/7

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Round-the-clock subway service in New York City resumed May 17 after more than a year of late-night, pandemic-related closures.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo made the announcement in late April wrapped it into a broader swath of reopening announcements that end most pandemic-related capacity limits and eliminate restaurant curfews.

The city that never sleeps is slowly—but surely—living up to its name again and waking up from the COVID-19 pandemic, but so should the subway system—and ASAP,” Sen.Schumer said in a statement.

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NYC Restaurants to allow 50% capacity

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New York City restaurants are on a rapid pace to reopening. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that restaurants in the city will increase indoor dining capacity to 50 percent starting March 19.

“In New York State, our decisions are based on science and data and we are encouraged by the continued decline in infection and hospitalization rates,” Cuomo said in a statement.

Restaurants have been struggling amid capacity restrictions. A recent survey by New York State Restaurant Association found that ...

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What Is New York City Getting From the American Rescue Plan?

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President Joe Biden has signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, the third pandemic-era stimulus and, potentially, one of the most consequential economic packages in U.S. history. Passed by Congress and it also includes billions of dollars that will go directly to New York City.

To be precise, it is 6 million that will be used in different ways like Stimulus Checks, Child Tax Credit, MTA Relief and Vaccines.

De Blasio has called the stimulus a “game changer” for ...

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