Young, hip New Yorkers are bringing Midtown back

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Move over, Williamsburg. Here comes … Midtown?

The skyscraper-laden district stretching from 34th Street to Central Park South was disemboweled by the pandemic and continues to bleed office tenants. But while older office towers languish, young home buyers have flocked to the neighborhood, eager to take advantage of prices that haven’t soared like they have in the rest of Manhattan and much of Brooklyn.

The pandemic accelerated a pre-pandemic trend of hipper residents moving to Midtown, as stodgy bankers and executives moved away, usually for bigger spaces elsewhere in the city or ...

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Manhattan Sales Market Report Q1 2022

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We reached a record-breaking number of closed sales3,585 to be exact, the highest registered in thirty-three years; up +45.9% year over year and +48.9% from pre-pandemic levels.

Listing inventory (the number of available properties on the market) declined 4.4% to 6,906. A decline that has been going on for several quarters. As the market returned to seasonality, the excess demand overpowering listing inventory was partially offset by the seasonal rise in ...

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