Over 10K residential units planned along Miami River - Rava Realty

Over 10K residential units planned along Miami River

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South Florida’s Miami River is poised for a development surge, with a dozen projects potentially adding 10,500 condo and apartment units. The analysis focused on applications and construction loan filings from the past year, hinting that the count might be higher.

Ranging from proposals to nearly completed constructions, these projects signal a resurgence along the 5.5-mile stretch from Miami International Airport to Biscayne Bay.

The river, a historic site dating back 7,000 years, is witnessing renewed interest after developers diverted to other areas. This resurgence reflects a full-circle return to Southeast Florida’s oldest natural landmark, heralding a transformative phase for Miami’s waterfront.

(source: therealdeal.com, picture: Michel Reyes)