Manhattan is Cold, the Suburbs and Brooklyn are Hot! Here’s what the resi market looked like in July

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In Manhattan, the drops were stunning. July contracts for co-ops priced between $4 million and $5 million were down 94 percent from the same month last year. No contracts were signed for condos above $20 million. Across all price brackets, condo and co-op contracts were down 56 percent.

But in Brooklyn — where New Yorkers often migrate to in search of bigger homes and more open space — the numbers surged: 178 new condo contracts in July, up from 147 last ...

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NYC Rental Market: what’s the true story?

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Sensationalism helps sell news, garner headlines and win clicks. And sensationalism has reached real estate these days. Yes, we have an evolving real estate market as we went through the lockdown and emerged from it; so it is easy for some news outlets to publish partial information to make it look like the end of the world is looming.

Bloomberg reported that a quarter of the city’s apartment renters haven’t paid since March, according to the Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP). ...

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Selling Your Home in the Age of Coronavirus? Here Are All Your Top Questions, Answered​

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Can I sell my house during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Yes, you can still sell a home during the coronavirus pandemic, particularly now that states are beginning to reopen.

Is it safe to sell your home during such an outbreak?

There are several precautions your real estate agent can take to safely show your home to interested buyers. Masks on, shoes off, and hand ...

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Manhattan Luxury Market Reality Check – April 2020

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We studied hard to deliver a brand new report to you. The reality check on the Manhattan Luxury Market. Every week we hear of multi-million dollar properties going on the market and sometimes the asking price seems exorbitant because it is!
With this report, we are going to tell you at what prices luxury properties are actually closing and ...

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Manhattan Residential Sales Activity: a good sign.

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At the beginning of the crisis we had 136 weekly contracts signed in Manhattan. That number progressively went down during the crisis to reach a low of 31 contracts signed 12 weeks into the crisis. Last week was week 13, and we had 61 contracts signed! Could be the first sign of a recovery? In a normal market ...

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8 Questions To Ask as You Search for an Apartment During the Coronavirus Pandemic

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  1. Can you show me the apartment live? Since you cannot tour the apartment in person, the next best thing is a live video tour.
  2. Can you send me the floor plan? If an apartment is already occupied and a live viewing is not possible, request a floor plan.
  3. What is the closet space like? Ask for the measurements of each closet and get photos, if possible, for a better idea of the closet layout.
  4. Where are the services (supermarkets etc.) located in relation ...
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